YOU like to collaborate on research on teaching and learning?
Sometimes pedagogical research is made difficult by small sample sizes or if one is in a small school with few colleagues to collaborate with. HIPPR hopes to get like minded pedagogical researchers together. In the past, I maintained a list of faculty who were interested in collaborating. Given that it is easier to connect on social media I have retired the collaboration page and instead created a home on Facebook for those interested in Intro Psych. Join the group there and share requests for collaboration.
Interested in having your students participate in pedagogical research?
Students benefit from the insights gained from participating (Hutchins, Huber, & Ciccone, 2011), and teachers doing SoTL have a chance to increase their samples, replicate findings, or compare their results to different cohorts. In the last few years it is has become increasing difficult to conduct research at multiple sites without IRB approval from EACH site. Sometimes you can get IRB approval for snowball sampling, but often a faculty member at another class cannot share the link without local IRB approval. If you are interested in sharing your study, join the Facebook page above to communicate with potential collaborators.
PLEASE NOTE: When you contact an instructor from the pool, please provide as much detail on your study as possible including student consent forms, survey questions, and full directions. Optimally, also provide IRB approval and be willing to share the IRB application. An invitation to use a class does not assume a publication or collaboration opportunity but is a discussion item for you and the participating instructor.